Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Hitch-Hiking Via Cell-phone.

...'Cause that's what I did to see my girlfriend. Yes, that's right. Girlfriend.

So, I had a chance to go to Ohio. Not all that exciting. I mean, I love Ohio and all.. I love my hometown of Canton. I wish I could write a book about it, and then someone would make a movie, and Canton would be famous and... Yeah. However, to visit for a weekend, not too exciting. The offer was there though, and my not-so-creative mind got a ticking.

So I bought a map.

I looked over this map, measuring things with my finger and a protractor; checking the legend for symbols and railroads. I thought, "well, the ole' buckeye is a heck of a lot closer to virginny than Missour-a... hmm..." Yes, I often think like a hick. Redneck thoughts aside, I was right, those geography classes payed off. Ohio is a good ten hours closer. Then my brain got a workin' over-time. Though I've been wanting to take a long-distance hike lately... This didn't seem to be the time. My first thought was to ask my brother to use his car... Not likely. It seemed hopeless.

That's a lie... I just wanted to say 'hopeless' to give you some suspense.

I was talking to the little lady on the phone... And she mentioned that her parents were coming down for a weekend. Well... My mind latched onto that; like a bum on a ham & cheese sandwich. I thought, "hmm... If I were to arrive in Canton at 1600 hours, I would have just enough time to get my gear and under the cover of darkness, sneak 'commando-style' to her parents house. Then, at dawn, after I have a few pop-tarts and a cup of coffee from my thermos, I could shimmy under her parents car.. I could hold onto the under carriage, like Charles Bronson, and then roll out at the last minute, and sneak up on her all unsuspecting like." Seemed like the perfect plan, surprise, adventure, and grease all mixed up into one. Couldn't go wrong. As I told my brother my great idea, I noticed his wide-eyed expression, followed by his shaking head and belly-laugh. I couldn't understand. I was following in the footsteps of great action films and television shows such as MacGuyver and The A-Team. Why the hearty laugh and mocking tone? Well... My brother isn't one much for daring-do, and he said I should just ask her parents. Ask her parents?! Chuck Norris wouldn't ask to roundhouse kick someone... James Bond wouldn't ask Dr. No's parents if he could thwart his world domination plot... And Indiana Jones wouldn't ask the Nazi's if he could lash them with whips. It just doesn't happen.

Well... After further consideration, a phone call would be a much easier undertaking than an ambush. Plus, I was seeing my Girlfriend, not infiltrating a Communist military outpost. I have to get it thru my mind, espionage and dating are far different worlds. So, I asked, the answer was a quick and hearty yes, therefore... I was in Virginia for the weekend. It was kind of a close call, I arrived in Ohio at... 7:30 in the morning, and her parents were supposed to pick me up at 8. If there would have been bad traffic or anything... I can't imagine the chaos that would ensue. ...Really, chaos.

So, of course, it was a great weekend. I got to know her parents a lot more. Dang are they fun. Even better, I got to see her, and hang out with her. She is such a great girl. I miss her terribly already, and I've only been back for three days or so. I honestly can't wait 'till Thanksgiving, when I get to see her again.

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