Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Juicy Burgers, Short Hair, and Chains.

Mmm... So late, just the perfect time to jot my disjointed thoughts down on the internet for the world to stumble upon and judge.

Today, was an interesting day. Well, a good portion of it was, not my classes or anything, those weren't interesting in the least. Even when Wallace went over Jonah, I was bored to tears. I really wanted a burger today. From about nine o'clock on, I was craving a juicy burger hard-core. But, for some odd reason, I considered lowering my standards for a bit, and actually partaking in cafe food. Me, in the cafe... No joke. Those Snickers' commercials don't lie, you do strange things when you are hungry. Luckily, Dan was there to shake me out of this odd state I was in. We went to Braums' instead. But, really that's not the interesting part of the day. After Braums', we went to Panera for a bit... Not to eat of course, just to hang, 'cause it's fun to hang out where you work on your day off... Right? Right? Well, we hung out, distracted people from doing their jobs... Good times. Jenn came in to work, and I didn't recognize her at all... Whenever ladies change their hair, it throws me for a complete curve. And change it she did. Heck, the first time i saw Jenn with her hair down, I didn't know who I was looking at for a bit... It took me even longer to close my mouth and get enough of my mind to work; so I could put together a complete thought, let alone a sentence. I always feel like a jerk, not complimenting a lady on her looks... Or when they change something... But, I'm usually so stunned, by the time I an formulate a complete thought in my head, the moment (or entire day) has pssed. So, that threw me for a loop, the short hair and all... Yet not the most interesting part of the day, yet. After we finally tore ourselves away from the bread company... We set sail in my Lincoln. To the dorm? No way, my ship's headed out to open waters. As we were stopped at a red light, Dan and I noticed a faint bit of steam billowing out from the hood. As this is usually not a good thing, I decided to crank on the heater, and get to a gas station. (crank on the heat, 'cause thats what you are supposed to do, if your car overheats.) So, at the corner of Grant and College streets, we found our Conoco station. Best service in town.

That was sarcasm.

If you know the area of which I speak... You would know this isn't exactly the greatest area to break down, or even hang out for more than five minutes. (unless you currently are; the scum of the earth.) But, alas, there we were. As we were waiting for the calvary (AKA Greg Sherry) we amused ourself by taking fotos and the like. My brother swung by and took me to get some parts and whatnot, thinking it may just be a broken hose or something easy. It's not so much that we were optimistic, just really, really, really, really hopeful. These hopes were dashed to pieces tho', once we attatched the needed hose. We discovered the source of our problem was the water pump. It wasn't working. The water pump is an integral part of the motor, but suprisingly is an inexpensive apparatus, buried amongst everything else you could ever want to attatch to a motor. All of this, and we still haven't reached the most interesting part of the day, yet.

We had to get my aircraft-carrier of a vehicle home, somehow. Being that there is no ocean, we couldn't take it by sea, so option 'B' was instituted. This included my brother's truck, and some chain. Yes, thats right, this is the most interesting part of the day. We had to tow my car back to BBC campus. After messing with the chains for quite a while, the car was firmly attatched to the chrome bumper of Greg's pickup. We pulled out onto College street, having to stop at the light, so we could pull onto Grant. When Greg started off, my car didn't want to move as much, and the chains came undone. So, hurriedly, Greg re-attatched my car, this time within two feet of his nice chrome bumper. Yes, my land-lubbing titanic was almost kissing that shiny bumper, and if they did sneak a kiss during this drive, it wouldn't be so romantic in my mind. We started off again, me clenching the wheel like it was a fresh baguette to a starving man. (I have to relate all things to bread, since I work at Panera and all.) I was completely helpless behind his truck. We would pull through intersections, and I could just picture a car plowing into us, as we were going down Chestnut Expressway, I could just see Greg having to dodge some idiot driver, and my car not dodging so well. Needless to say, I was a bit freaked out. But, we made it.. Safe and sound. Greg's bumper was bent a bit out of shape, but it just adds charachter to his ride. So, really, I guess the most interesting part of the day, isn't so interesting down on paper... Or the internet, but it was interesting being there. Honest.

1 comment:

Ryan said...

I know what it is like driving a land yacht. I drive a 1988 Lincoln. My days aren't as interesting as yours. I have been a faithful reader for the past few months. good stuff.