Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Spring Frills.

Disclaimer (AKA the "fine print"): So, It's about four in the mornin'... And I feel like a-postin'. I warn you now, don't expect anything overly meaningful, or even well-written.

Ahh, Spring Break. A time for booze-ing' and carousing... Partyin' down in Cancun... South Padre... Beer, chicks, video cameras, embarrassed parents watching their princess on late-nite T.V. Like that great hair band Slaughter said; Up all nite. Sleep all day. That's right.

Well... For me, it's a bit different. My partying will take place right here in good 'ol Springfield, MO. Home of...


So, here I am. Interesting things happening lately tho'. I have come to several life-changing conclusions, which I may impart here when I am not so tired. But the most exciting thing happened just yester... Well, technically two days ago, on Monday. I was at work. And, well it had been a long day. The big-wigs were coming in on Tuesday, so we had to make the place spic-and-span, so-to-speak. We scrubbed, mopped, scrubbed some more, all in-between making salads, sandwiches and the like.
It hadn't been the busiest of days, but certainly not the slowest either. The end of the nite came, and I was hastily wrapping up my close, making sure everything was stocked for the morning crew. Tomatoes, onions, napkins, bowls, that kinda thing. One, it's a nice thing to do, and two, it really saves a lot of time for them, and in the long run, for me when I have to close again the next nite. By this time, we really could have left, but we were all waiting on Cody the boy-wonder, to get finished with his dishes. So... I thought I would stock the frill picks. In case the term "frill picks" confuses you, I will explain: Frill picks are ordinary tooth-picks, with little plastic 'fringies'. We at Panera, shove these little darlings into your sandwich, for the sole purpose of amusing adolescents, as they can decorate our ceiling tiles with them. Anyway, as I was refilling the jar of to-be missiles, I came across an object which didn't seem to belong. It didn't look much like a tooth-pick at all. This object looked more like something Tony Montana would use. Ok, ok, I'll cut the suspense. It was a coke spoon. Some coke-head packed his spoon away in the frill picks. I'm not gonna lie, it kinda freaked me out.
Needless to say, we didn't use those frill picks.

Whew, I'm beat... It's almost five now. Gonna hit the hay.

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