Friday, April 01, 2005

The first day of the rest of my life.

Well, Spring Break is officially over, which means we will now start to have decent weather here in the Queen City. I learned a lot over the break. I learned the beauty and utter simplicity of iTunes, where I promptly spent over a hundred dollars... Yeah. Smart one. I learned a whole lotta useful stuff too, about myself, others, God. The big question is, will I just have this knowledge, or will I use this knowledge - transforming it to wisdom. Will I change what needs to be changed, or just continue down the wrong path? Each day is a new beginning, a new chance to apply truth in your life, to grow closer to Him.

College Days - Phase I is now over. Sad, really. I was lucky enough to have two high-schoolers living right here with me. These two wise, wise fellows, having seen the world and all it has to offer, knowing that all the answers lie in how much cologne you use in the morning. And, by golly, they were on their way to the top. I think Ralph Lauren could retire on the money he makes from those two. They didn't actually shower with water all week, they just took their massive barrels of Polo in with them, and soaked themselves in that lovely scent. I guess they liked me enough the'. Glad to know I am accepted. I was feigning sleep this morning, so that I wouldn't have to talk to the fellows (I wouldn't want to embarrass myself... You know.) and I overheard them say I was the best roommate possible. And then they talked about stealing my stuff. They only took the free food, so no worries. I just can't wait for Phase II. I can't imagine I will be blessed with roommates of the same caliber as these two were, I can only hope.

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