Thursday, December 01, 2005

Don't Drown in the Yuletide.

Ahh yes, Turkey Day has passed, and I can now allow myself to let the Christmas spirit loose.

Well, I believe in taking a stand against the 'Christmas Season' that comes earlier and earlier every year. Not that I'm against Christmas in any way... Or a vigilante anti-consumer... or anything.
But... I remember the days (vaguely, mind you...) when Christmastime was the time around Christmas. When Santa wasn't done working on his toys and such, 'till after Thanksgiving. It gave the Christmas season a bit more excitement. You weren't tired of hearing Bing Crosby by December thirteenth. Nowadays, they have Hallowe'en Egg Nog. Egg Nog at Hallowe'en? That makes little to no sense. Christmas time should be relegated to Christmas time. Soon, it will be creeping into August. Kinda takes away a bit of the 'specialness' of the Yule season. And, it makes the 12 days of christmas make little sense.
Just a few holiday songs, to get you lost in the yuletide.

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